Author/Illustrator: Lane Smith
Publisher: Roaring Books Press
Publication Date: August 30, 2011
Rating: 4 stars
"He was born a really long time ago..."
Grandpa Green, that is. The narrator is a young boy frolicking through his grandfather's garden. The bushes tell the story of grandpa's life, from his infancy through his marriage through the friendship he now shares with his grandson. The illustrations are largely green (as the title suggests) and make you wish that you could visit a garden like that. This garden would far surpass Callaway Gardens!
Positive elements: The boy honors his grandfather by telling his story. Grandpa and Grandma are said to "never argue, at least to hear [grandpa] tell it." Grandpa sets aside his own desires and serves his country in the military.
Negative elements: On page 14, there is a bush statue of his grandparents meeting in France during the war. I feel that the statue of the grandmother is a bit too curvaceous and defined for a children's book.
Grandpa Green
What do you remember about your grandfather that endured you to him?
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